“Brooklyn Law School has been a family affair,” said Arthur Riegel. This feeling of family extended to the whole Law School community, which he felt fully embraced him, an older student who had already retired from his first career when he enrolled.
It is for this reason Riegel has decided, after a full second career in labor and employment law arbitration, to establish a scholarship to assist other nontraditional students embarking on the same path.
Riegel, who grew up in a family with little money but with parents who instilled in him the value of education, was a public school principal for 20 years before deciding to apply to law school.
From his first day of classes, said Riegel, he felt “treated with such care” by the Law School. His admissions counselor, recognizing his apprehension over returning to school after so many years, suggested he start with a lighter first semester before jumping in with a full course load. A chance early encounter with Dean David Trager led to a friendship not as dean and student, but as two professionals who had experience running educational institutions. Riegel also had many professors whom he considered mentors, including Professor Joel Gora. However, the most help came from Professor Linda Feldman. She acted as Riegel’s informal guidance counselor, spending hours helping him learn how to take law school exams.
“At the end of my first year, I sent Dean Trager a letter titled ‘Observations from the Senior Set,’ enumerating all the kindnesses shown to me by the faculty,” said Riegel. “When I got back to school, faculty kept stopping me to thank me. It turned out the dean had made copies and shared it with everyone I mentioned in the letter.”
After passing the bar exam on his first try, Riegel launched an arbitration practice. After a long career as part of a “big machine,” Riegel had vowed “never to work for someone else again.” His wife encouraged him to follow his dream, despite the challenges he experienced.
“My wife said, ‘Don’t give up,’” he said. “‘Give yourself time. Have confidence in yourself.’”
A year later, he was added to a panel of arbitrators and, within three years, had a thriving practice. Today, at the age of 84 and after 25 years of practicing law, Riegel is still thriving.
After years of loyal giving, Riegel made a commitment of $25,000 to establish the Arthur A. Riegel Scholarship for nontraditional students who, like him, have not taken the typical path to law school.
“But for Brooklyn Law School, I would not have achieved such great success, and it’s only fitting that I give back,” he said. “I’ve given in the past, and I’m not done.”
Riegel looks forward to meeting with the recipients of his scholarship to provide them with encouragement and advise them to seek out the assistance of others.
“I hope this story will help others see that no one makes it on their own,” he said. “I’m giving back to the community that made me what I am and I want to encourage others to do the same.”